Thursday, March 25, 2010

#94 - Babies

There are literally hundreds of these things all over the world. Seriously, where do they all come from? I don't get it. Please, someone explain this to me.


  1. What does this have to do with being over 100?


  2. I think he's saying there are over 100 of these things around the world. I'm more worried about his not knowing where they came from. Maybe he missed the birds and bees story in child hood. Which I guess he could use the birds and bees story as a "100 hottest over 100. There sure are over 100 versions of this story.

  3. I think he's saying babies are soooo old. Man there are always babies in the world. Do they never grow up? Why are there ALWAYS babies? Have some babies lived over 100 years and still been a baby? These are questions you should answer for us Ben.
